About YuLian

Hi!  Welcome to my blog!

I’m a 20-something Christian with a passion for doing things myself.  If I think I can make it myself, I will try to.  My main expression of creativity is through yarn, sticks, and hooks, but I won’t shy away from cooking and baking.  I’ve even taken up sewing, even though I swore I wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole!

I love being Chinese.  I love Japanese-related things, too.  This tends to play out when I’m naming patterns, which is why a lot of my patterns have very interesting names!  But I’m really not as Asian as that, but I’m always trying to learn more Chinese.  Heh.  I’m a total ABC (American Born Chinese).  This blog is meant for anything crafty I may have going on, so expect to see lots of pictures!

6 Responses to About YuLian

  1. Heidi says:

    You’ve got a sweet blog here! As a fellow creative-Christian, I appreciate it! 🙂

  2. Amy says:

    I really like your blog, as a fellow Christian, I feel connected to you, having lived in China, makes me appreciate even more…..needless to say very good blog.

  3. thefroglyprince says:

    I would have guess a teen, too. 😛

  4. lottieknits says:

    Because I love your blog, I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Blog award here: http://lottieknits.wordpress.com/2013/05/01/liebster-award/ (don’t feel obliged to take part if you don’t want to for any reason).

  5. Sherri-ann Chalmers says:

    I would like to make your awesome budding shawl pattern gained from lovecrafts and wanted to know if you had any recommendations for appropriate beads?

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