Starting Anew

It’s been a really long time. Everything fell by the wayside after I got a full time job and didn’t have time to design anymore. Now it’s still the middle of the pandemic, I don’t have a job but I do have a baby (which is even more time consuming than a job) and here I am, dreaming of knitting, art, and even designing a bit.

Something about knitting just scratches the itch in the planner in me. Yes, most times it’s hard to execute the plan, but planning it out is more than half the fun! So now I plan and dream during contact naps with the baby.

Shadow the cat curled up in bed sleeping
The other baby in the house that wants to contact nap with me.

The blog will also be a space for my project pages. With everything that happened with Ravelry at the beginning of the pandemic, I also want a space of my own to digitally save my work. I will continue to use Ravelry but it’s nice to have my own space too.

So here’s to 2022! There won’t be posts in a schedule, but they’ll come when I’ve finished something or am just musing about fiber arts. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

About YuLianKnits

I have to say it: I LOVE GOD. I also enjoy creating things, whether it's through yarn or other crafty materials.
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